What you can do to prepare:

  • Do not shave for 3 weeks to ensure your hair is long enough. For facial waxing, hair should be 1/8-inch long and body hair should be about 1/4-inch long to 1/2-inch long to achieve a smooth, clean removal. Why 3 weeks? Because the hair grows in 3 cycles. All 3 cycles need to be in for the best results! If you are currently waxing, wait at least 2-3 weeks for facial waxing and 4-6 weeks for body waxing.

  • Exfoliate your skin before your appointment and take an ibuprofen 30 minutes prior to your appointment.

  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol before your appointment. Caffeine and alcohol are stimulants and can increase sensitivity.

  • No tanning for 48 hours before or after your appointment. This includes sun and salon tanning. Waxing has an exfoliating effect on the skin and can increase sensitivity and make you more susceptible to sunburn. The use of a 30+ SPF is highly recommended after any waxing.

The Vanity Wax does not recommend a waxing service if you:

  • Use prescription acne medication such as Retin-A or Accutane.

  • Use skin care products that contain over eight percent glycolic and alphahydroxy acids.

  • Take blood pressure medication.

  • Have diabetes, phlebitis or any condition that affects the skin.

  • Have had a Botox treatment in the past 72 hours.

  • Have had a chemical peel or dermabrasion treatment within the past 90 days.

After the waxing service:

  • The skin may stay red and tender anywhere from 1-24 hours depending on your skin's sensitivity. The wax I use is for sensitive skin and is specifically formulated to prevent skin irritation to reactive skin.

  • If you are prone to hives after waxing you may treat the area with 1% hydrocortisone or aloe vera gel. The swelling normally goes away within 30 minutes after waxing for most people. Breakouts or white bumps can be treated with tea tree oil or 1% hydrocotrisone for 3-5 days. The more regular you become with waxing, and if you follow the post waxing tips, you will become less prone to breakouts.

  • No strenuous activity after your appointment. Sweat is loaded with bacteria; pores can remain open for 6-12 hours after hair has been removed.

  • Exfoliate your skin on a daily basis to prevent ingrown hairs, but wait at least 2 days to start exfoliating after your appointment. Gently exfoliate in an upward, circular motion against the hair growth. In addition to exfoliationg, use PFB Vanish daily. PFB Vanish helps to prevent and clear the skin of ingrown hairs. PFB Vanish is available for purchase at The Vanity Wax. Also, don’t forget to moisturize! In NM we tend to have drier skin.

  • You should be hair free for 2-3 weeks depending on your rate of hair growth. Your next wax appointment can be scheduled in 4-6 weeks for body waxing and 2-3 weeks for facial waxing.

  • The more you wax the more your hair will grow back softer and finer and you might notice some doesn't come back at all!

Most Importantly:


I use a clean applicator every time, for every wax service! I hold extremely high standards in cleanliness and uphold State Board expectations of sterilization and sanitation.

What is double dipping?

Double dipping is when the applicator stick is used to apply the wax and then is repeatedly dipped in the wax again. This contaminates the entire wax container and can spread infectious diseases and bacteria. But no need to worry, The Vanity Wax has you covered. The applicator stick is dipped into the wax, applied to the skin once and immediately discarded after use.

If you have any questions about anything, please feel free to Contact Me.